Piste de Woodbine
Three tracks, three races
At 9h00, on July 29, 2018 • By Christian Gendron
On July 29th, my three stars.
First star: At Woodbine, 7th race, Royal Norh Stake, No 8 Lull. (5/2). This horse was to run on July 23rd in Saratoga but the race was removed from the grass and Christophe Clément preferred not to run and present himself at Woodbine. This Grade 1 should perform well against this opposition.
Second star: In Saratoga, 1st race, No 1 Dream Fever (6/1). The interior should serve him well. He should be well positioned behind the leaders to explode in the straight line.
Third star: At Laurel Park, in the 6th race, No 3 Stomp Dance (9/2). He will have opposition but if he can simply reduce the fractions in the first four Furlongs, he should finish in the photo.
Proposed bet : July 29th, three tracks, three races
Win Placed: Woodbine, No 8 in the 7th race; Saratoga, No 1 in the 1st and Laurel Park, No 3 in the 6th
(Win: the horse chosen must finish first at the finish line)
(Placed: the chosen horse must finish among the first two at the finish line)